The Council for the Indian Premier League (IPL) have been proposing some changes to the upcoming tournament in 2014. Some have been welcomed, but others are more controversial.
It is closing in on the auction for players as most of the teams are looking to rebuild for the upcoming season. The auction which will be held on February the 12th will feature over 500 players looking to change their team. But that is not all: the board has proposed a salary cap for each team set at Rs 60 crore. This is to make it so that the rich teams like Chennai Super Kings and Mumbai Indians simply can throw out big money at the big names and basically buy their way to the championship.
This is kinda like what they have done in most the american sports and what makes them exciting each year. One has to use the money present smartly, not just trying to persuade the rich businessmen to come and rain money. Soccer doesn’t seem to get this, but I am glad that the Cricket Council in India has understood this.
Luckily for the teams, in order to create some consistency and reward good work in the off-season and long-term, each franchise are allowed to retain a maximum of five players from the last season. That way they make it so that they don’t have to rebuild every year, which is good. A good balancing act.
Another proposed idea is to set the max amount of players in a squad to 27 and the maximum players not from India to 9. Again, good for cricket in India, where the teams simply can’t get all the pro players from other countries, but has to try to find some value in the up and coming cricketers in their own country. This bodes well for the development of the international team of India.
As always, everyone who is excited for cricket and loves the T20 format are anticipating this tournament each year. The Indian Premier League in 2014 is probably no exception to the others that have been played out and are gonna involve a lot of great plays and intense matches. If these changes will be imposed, I feel that it is gonna be even tighter than it has been before and it will be harder to predict the winners.
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